FPChecker and FLiT Analysis -- tiny
Clean run
Follow FLiT -- the process to run the program you want to evaluate to make a clean run, Script to run Paranoia in both clang++12 and FPChecker from the scratch may lead a quick setup.
Run with FPChecker
Here, we set
in the clang type, binary=FPC_INSTRUMENT=1 clang++-fpchecker
Run with clang++
Here, we set
in the clang type, binary=/home/xinyi/llvm/llvm12/bin/clang++
Generate files we want to analyze
.fpc_logs for and fpchecker
Use script to find the lines involve viability
The lines detected are {133, 427, 115, 538, 252}, which is corresponding to {subnormal
Used in #If comparison 0 not detected by FPChecker
csv files
and tiny_clang_non_rand.csv
All entries where comparsion!=0
, remove random tests.
Used in #Compare the variability in clang and fpchecker and Used in #Run trace_compare
and tiny_clan_comparsion.0csv
All entries where comparsion=0
, remove random tests.
Used in #Run trace_compare
Compare the variability in clang
and fpchecker
They should be same because using FPChecker compiler doesn't influence the computations
They are the same after we remove the random cases. One thing needed to be noticed is that there's one break in clang.
If comparison=0
not detected by FPChecker?
No. addSub
is not random and the comparison is always 0, but still involve
If comparsion=0
, should there exists similar events?
Run trace_compare
One simple case
We want to compare the files where the configuration has 1 difference but the comparsion
change to non-zero from zero.