Investigation on NVIDIA Tensor cores v.s. AMD Matrix cores

Questions want to solve

  1. What are formats for matrix multiplication in tensor cores and Matrix cores?
  2. Is there a way or algorithm which can translate wmma in CUDA to Matrix cores operation?
  3. How to design the experiments to test the numerical computation ability of tensor cores and matrix cores?

notes/AMD matrix cores
notes/NVIDIA tensor cores
Matrix Multiplication Background

Manipulate Comparison

Methodology Vender Description Mapping Vender Methodology
notes/Warp Matrix Functions NVIDIA rocWMMA
rocWMMA AMD Warp Matrix Functions
PTX wmma/mma instruction NVIDIA MFMA compiler intrinsic
MFMA compiler intrinsic AMD PTX wmma/mma instruction

Supported formats

Inputs outputs
NVIDIA Tensor cores fp16/bf16/tf32/fp64 fp32/fp16/bf16/fp64
AMD Matrix Cores fp16/bf16/fp32/fp64 fp32/fp16/bf16/fp64

Level 2 or 3
UTK test cases, mixed precision testing on GPUs

Manipulate Method